Monday, December 15, 2008

Why Im scared

to go in the garage by myself....

So, KK has been hunting alot.
Last weekend he shot and killed a bobcat.
He skinned it and then put the skin on wood forms to dry.
It stares at me when I walk out to the garage.
I can't look at it.
I don't liketo go to the garage by myself!
These pics were taken from inside the house with the door open.
The kids love it.


sum said...

Ok, I would not want that in my garage either! Glad you posted pics, is that going to be the new beadroom rug???

Melissa said... wonder I couldn't figure the picture took it from inside...too funny...let's just hope that no part of that bobcat will be hanging in your house! and yes..the manny is availabe this afternoon if you need him :)

Becky said...

That's scary!! EW.
Your baby is adorable!!

amberbuck said...

that is so funny. I totally see your point of view. I don't like going in the garage alone anyway and I don't even have a bobcat in there!

The Kennedy Family said...

your husbands are all jealous!